日本から海外、そして海外間の Commodity Trade に安定した競争力のある Finance を提供します。 海外の広範な情報ネットワークと最新の Finance Technology, IT手法を導入し、 Smart 且つ Simple 、 ペーパーレスを目指した効率のよい環境配慮型取引を実現します。Finance 取引を通じて、 地域と地域、企業と企業、人と人、そして心と心をつなぐ信頼の輪(Sincerity Link)を築きます。
We, Carrotrade Inc., provide stable and competitive finance for commodity trades from Japan to other countries and/or among other countries with Japan as the intermediary. We realize a SMART and SIMPLE business model utilizing a wide range of information network, the latest finance and information technology and method, which would be friendly with the environment. Through the trades, we will establish a Sincerity Link, which connects region to region, company to company, people to people, and heart to heart.